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Abstract Reality - making the intangible tangible
through soul-conscious creations ™
This page is currently under construction.
Like many multipassionate sensitive souls, most of what we do at Abstract Reality is not found on a highlight reel.
We do our best and brightest work B.T.S. (behind the scenes).
Afterall, that is where spirit, magic and souls do their best work.
The wild and free ones do not need to be seen; their very presence is powerful enough.
- The Rainbow of Black book series
Below are a few portals of sneak-peeks to explore some of our most passionate projects. These evolving creations have been brewing BTS for a very long time. We intend to share these conscious creations publicly in winter of 2024.
Creations Coming 2024
Indigo SilksLight BodiesStargatesEtheric Art ActivationsThe Rainbow of BlackEnergy Signatures of Endangered
Character CardsPolarity IntegrationBookmarks for the mindCetaceans & MerPeopleThe Angelic OnesSky Meets Heaven |
Our lives are made of infinite choices, countless experiences, endless opportunities, and many detours on the path. Our lives are fluid; ever evolving and continually unfolding.
We are a glorious story in motion. - The Rainbow of Black book series
We are a glorious story in motion. - The Rainbow of Black book series