Speak when your voice shakes. Speak when it hurts. Speak when you think no one wants to hear what you have to say. Speak when you feel like you have nothing important to share. Speak when the voices in your head are telling you not to. Share your heart. Bare your soul. Ignore the raucous noises of the myopic mind. For the mental mind knows nothing of the heart. And the small mind has never met the soul. The mind is merely a program. And most of that code was made in fear. The heart is fearless. Free. Wild. Courageous. Speak from your heart. Sing from your soul. You are a glorious symphony. So, write those melodic notes. Type the harmony that comes not from the mind. Hear the melody of the spheres. Tune yourself to something far greater than you could have ever imagined. This is where your real life begins. Then bring into being The songs of your Soul.
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Amy is the ARTrepreneur behind Archives
October 2024
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