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ようこそ、地球旅行者の皆さん! 皆さんが沖縄に来て、これらの意識的な作品を体験できることをとても嬉しく思います。グリーンノートアートギャラリーでの今月のパブリックアート展のテーマは「エネルギーの特徴の探求」です。私たちの意識的な創作物を展示するこの 1 か月間にわたる美術展は、同様にインスピレーションと教育を目的としています。 地球上(そして地球外)のすべての存在は、固有の「エネルギー指紋」を持っています。私たちの植物とその無数の生息者 (植物、人、ペットなど) は、その種に固有であり、個人に固有のエネルギーの特徴を持っています。
Welcome, fellow Earth Travelers! We are so excited and happy you are here on Okinawa to experience these conscious creations! The theme for this month's public art exhibition at Green Note Art Gallery is "Exploring Energy Signatures". This month-long art exhibition showcasing our conscious creations is intended to be equally inspiring and educational. Every being on Earth (and beyond) has a unique “energy fingerprint”. Our plant and her innumerable inhabitants (plants, people, pets, etc.) have an energy signature that is unique to their species and unique to the individual.
Energy is the creative force within our multiverse. Yet, unlike all physical forms, energy cannot die; it is transformed into something new. Much like the alchemical process of transforming metals into gold, all life in existence is currently experiencing a collective transmutation. We are all living examples of alchemy.
エネルギーは私たちの多元宇宙における創造的な力です。しかし、あらゆる物理的形態とは異なり、エネルギーは死ぬことができません。それは何か新しいものに変わります。金属を金に変える錬金術のプロセスと同じように、存在するすべての生命は現在、集団的な変容を経験しています。 私たちは皆、錬金術の生きた例です。
Just as energy cannot cease to be, love never dies. Love is energy. Love remains. Unconditional Love is alchemy. Love is the Golden Thread that unites us all in the byzantine tapestry of Life. Love permeates all levels of existence. From our sun-star to neighboring galaxies and planets, from the Earth to her innumerable inhabitants, Love is the Light of our eternal nature. Love is what connects every being in existence. Love is what unites us all as One – on planet Earth and beyond.
Just as love is an unstoppable force that unites all life in existence, so can higher and right-minded consciousness. From the living mountains to the living oceans, from the living rocks to the sentient flowers, bees, and trees, to the winds and the seas, consciousness is what we have in common. No matter the species – from humans to species yet discovered, what we share is a collective consciousness. Within that collective consciousness, there are myriad hidden levels of existence. Yet beyond behavior, emotion, and thought, there is another higher level of Being. Beyond the physical form exists another world within every living being.
今月の対面アート ギャラリーでは、物理的な形を超えて存在するものを探索するよう招待されます。私たちは、これらの慎重に厳選された芸術作品を、私たち全員の中にある真実で永遠のものを鏡に反映したものであると考えたいと考えています。翼のあるものから、立つもの、開花するものから天使のようなものまで、あらゆる生き物は最も美しい創造物です。 人間の心が開いているとき、人は見えるものを超えて見ることができます。人間の心が小さな近視眼的な心を回避すると、人は実際にそこにあるものを感じることができるようになります。 - 形の認識を超えて。形は、私たちが肉体的な感覚で見たり、聞いたり、嗅いだり、触れたり、味わったりする形の向こう側にある、誰と何があるかの部分的な図にすぎません。形は実際に存在するもののほんの一部にすぎません。形を超えたところに真実があります。 これは現実です。 それぞれの芸術作品を実際にご覧いただく際には、次のことを考慮してください。 目に見えるところに何が隠れているかわかりますか? あなたは身体の五感が伝えるものを超えたものを感じることができますか? それぞれのアート作品には、多くのメッセージ、シンボル、存在、そして秘密の暗号が隠されています。ここでのすべての芸術作品は生き物と結びついています。 -それは花、人、ペット、または惑星かもしれません。あるいは、まだ考えていない何かがあるかもしれません。これらの作品を熟読するときは、明るく、楽しく、遊び心と好奇心を持つようお勧めします。しかし最も重要なのは、楽しむことです!そして心をオープンにしてください。なぜなら、あらゆる種の高次の心臓は、他の世界への窓だからです。 有名な引用文には次のようなものがあります。
In this month's in-person art gallery, you are invited to explore that which exists beyond physical form. We like to think of these carefully curated art creations as a mirror reflection of what is True and eternal within us ALL. From The Winged Ones, to The Standing Ones, from The Flowering Ones to the Angelic Ones, every living being is the most beautiful creation.
When the human heart is open, one can See beyond what appears to be. When the human heart bypasses the small myopic mind, one is able to FEEL what is really there. -Beyond the perception of form. Form is only a partial picture of who and what is beyond the form that we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste with our physical senses. Form is only a fraction of what is really there. Beyond form is the Truth.
This is Reality.
In this month's in-person art gallery, you are invited to explore that which exists beyond physical form. We like to think of these carefully curated art creations as a mirror reflection of what is True and eternal within us ALL. From The Winged Ones, to The Standing Ones, from The Flowering Ones to the Angelic Ones, every living being is the most beautiful creation.
When the human heart is open, one can See beyond what appears to be. When the human heart bypasses the small myopic mind, one is able to FEEL what is really there. -Beyond the perception of form. Form is only a partial picture of who and what is beyond the form that we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste with our physical senses. Form is only a fraction of what is really there. Beyond form is the Truth.
This is Reality.
As you peruse each art piece in person, we ask you to consider:
Can you see what is hiding in plain sight?
Can you sense beyond what your five physical senses might tell you?
What emotions or physical sensations do you feel when you witness these conscious creations?
There are many messages, symbols, beings, and secret codes hiding within each art piece.
Hint: Every conscious art creation here is connected to a living being. -It could be a flower, a person, pet, or planet. Or maybe something else you haven’t thought of yet. As you peruse these creations, we invite you to stay Light, joyful, playful, and curious. But most importantly, have fun! Keep your heart open. For the higher heart of all species is the window to other worlds. For as the famous quote shares:
Can you see what is hiding in plain sight?
Can you sense beyond what your five physical senses might tell you?
What emotions or physical sensations do you feel when you witness these conscious creations?
There are many messages, symbols, beings, and secret codes hiding within each art piece.
Hint: Every conscious art creation here is connected to a living being. -It could be a flower, a person, pet, or planet. Or maybe something else you haven’t thought of yet. As you peruse these creations, we invite you to stay Light, joyful, playful, and curious. But most importantly, have fun! Keep your heart open. For the higher heart of all species is the window to other worlds. For as the famous quote shares:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
- The Little Prince book
人は心によってのみ正しく見ることができます。大切なものは目には見えない。 - 星の王子さまの本
Our heart and soul creations will be available to experience through November.
私たちの心と魂の作品は、11 月まで体験していただけます。
Our heart and soul creations will be available to experience through November.
私たちの心と魂の作品は、11 月まで体験していただけます。
Just a few of the conscious creations we shared with the beautiful people of Okinawa!
Abstract Reality™
making the intangible tangible through soul-conscious creations™
Abstract Reality™ へようこそ!
This page for the public art exhibition on Okinawa, but we invite you stay connected with us while we continue our heART and soul work behind the scenes here in beautiful Okinawa, Japan.
You can BE🐝 in the Glow & Flow by receiving our Muse-letter:
This page for the public art exhibition on Okinawa, but we invite you stay connected with us while we continue our heART and soul work behind the scenes here in beautiful Okinawa, Japan.
You can BE🐝 in the Glow & Flow by receiving our Muse-letter:
Our lives are not made up of one choice, one experience, one opportunity, or one fork in the path. Our lives are fluid; always changing and ever evolving.
We are a glorious story in motion.֍
私たちの人生は、1 つの選択、1 つの経験、1 つの機会、または 1 つの分岐点で構成されているわけではありません。私たちの生活は流動的です。常に変化し、進化し続けます。 私たちは動き出す輝かしい物語です。֍
Did you know?
Many of our conscious creations are a part of "The Rainbow of Black" book series!
You can learn more about these books here.
私たちの作品の多くは、「The Rainbow of Black」書籍シリーズの一部です。 これらの書籍について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。
Many of our conscious creations are a part of "The Rainbow of Black" book series!
You can learn more about these books here.
私たちの作品の多くは、「The Rainbow of Black」書籍シリーズの一部です。 これらの書籍について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。